Tuesday, April 3, 2018

April 3 - Six Weeks

It was my goal to have no sugar or flour for six weeks.  I did it!  Results: I've lost some weight, I have more energy, my knee, hip, and IT band have felt way less pain than before.  All good things!  I'll allow myself an occasional bit of sugar or flour now.

Lemon water
Breakfast - sweet potato pancakes, oatmeal, bananas, dried blueberries, peanut butter
Bike ride to library and back
Protein shake with bananas and almonds
Lunch - Roasted veggies, turkey burgers, tomatoes, bell pepper, milk; yogurt mixed with chia jam
Dinner - mashed potatoes with marina sauce and meatball.  This was weird.  I won't do it again.  I'll do a different pasta substitute next time it's Italian night.  Slice of ham, green beans, bell pepper, tomatoes, milk.
Snack - strawberries, raspberries, nuts

Breakfast - sweet potato pancakes, oatmeal, fruit, PB

After-workout protein shake with banana and almonds

Lunch - Turkey burgers, roasted veggies, raw tomatoes and bell pepper

More lunch - yogurt mixed with chia jam

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